Grammar Rule Examples. We use the present simple to talk about routines what you do every day or every week. We use the present continuous to talk about things you are doing now. Present simple and present continuous 1. I play tennis every weekend and I watch tennis matches on TV every Here is a fun present continuous game to play in class. The students are divided into pairs and each pair is given a set of picture cards. The students shuffle the cards and spread them out face down on. Both tenses are used to express that an action began in the past and is still going on or has just finished. In many cases, both forms are correct, but there is often a difference in meaning: We use the Present Perfect Simple mainly to express that an action is completed or to emphasise the result. We use the Present Perfect Progressive to emphasise the duration or continuous course of an. Printable and Online Present simple vs present continuous tense exercise Fill in the blanks with progressive or present simple tense. Present Continuous vs Present Simple 2. Subject Explanations: Simple Present vs Progressive ENGLISH VERB TENSES: SIMPLE PRESENT or PRESENT CONTINUOUS? 2 Practice using the present or present progressive tense in English Live worksheets English English as a Second Language (ESL) Present simple and present continuous. Present simple and present continuous Interactive worksheets Language: English Subject: English as a Second Language (ESL) Complete the sentences with the present simple or present continuous form of the verbs in brackets. Use contractions where possible. Here's a list of all the present perfect simple exercises and present perfect continuous exercises on my website. (If you need to review how to make the present perfect, click here) (If you need to review how to use the present perfect, click here). Practice exercises about how to make the present perfect: . Present Perfect Positive FREE Present Simple vs. Present Continuous Worksheets The transition from teaching one verb tense to teaching another isnt always a clearcut process. While its easy for most students to distinguish, say, the future simple tense from the past simple, its not always as easy for them to tell two similar verb tenses apart. This exercise is to practise making the English present perfect continuous tense. You need to make either the positive form or the negative form. It's really important to make sure you are confident making the forms of the tenses, so then you can focus on when to use them, which is a bit more difficult. Present continuous and present simple. Present simple or present continuous? At the moment she (travel) in the Sahara Desert. This lesson will show if your students truly understand the difference between the simple present and the present progressive. There are multiple mixedtense exercises, including some that review action vs. nonaction verbs and time markers. Simple Present Present Progressive. Showing top 8 worksheets in the category Simple Present Present Progressive. Some of the worksheets displayed are Present continuous and present, Grammar present continuous and 6 present simple, Present simple or present continuous work 2, Simple present present progressive, Present simple or present continuous 3, Complex test simple present or present. The simple present tense is used to talk about your daily activities and routines. The present continuous tense is used to talk about things that are happening at the moment of speaking. The continuous tense is also used to talk about preplanned future events. Complete the following sentences using the simple present or present continuous tense form of the verb given in the brackets. In this crossword puzzle learners will fill in the puzzle with the verbs in the present progressive form using the picture clues and sentences. The worksheets you will find in these sections include explanations and examples of the three aspects (simple, progressive, and perfect) of the past, present, and future English tenses. On our verb tenses worksheets, practice involves filling in the blanks and rewriting sentences in. Present simple or present progressive free English online grammar exercise. Simple Present Present Progressive; infinitive (3rd person singular: infinitive 's') I speak you speak he she it speaks we speak they speak. form of 'be' and verb ing Use, Form and Examples in Present Progressive. Use of the Present Progressive 1. actions happening at the moment of speaking. fixed plans in the near future A collection of ESL, EFL downloadable, printable worksheets, practice exercises and activities to teach about present simple vs continuous (progressive) tense Present Simple Vs Present Continuous. Showing top 8 worksheets in the category Present Simple Vs Present Continuous. Some of the worksheets displayed are Present simple and present continuous, Present continuous and present, Present simple or present continuous work 2, Present perfect simple or present perfect continuous 3, Complex test simple present or present. Present simplepresent continuous worksheets Worksheets and activities for teaching Present simplepresent continuous to English language learners (kids, teenagers or adults). Here you can find printable worksheets for many levels: beginners, elementary, intermediate or advanced. Try our Grammar Practice Worksheets, Grammar Stories, and Basic Grammar Sentences sections for many lessons on the simple present and the present progressive. Present Progressive lesson has exercises that directly contrast the two verb tenses. In this lesson, students learn the patterns and usage of the present progressive tense. They practice making affirmative and negative sentences as well as questions. Simple present worksheets High Quality ESL Lesson Plans Free Samples 26 Membership Be a better teacher! Grammar, reading, vocabulary, speaking. All with comprehensive Teacher Notes included. Zero preparation time required. Listening lesson plans with mp3 files also available. Live worksheets English English as a Second Language (ESL) Present Simple. Present Simple Interactive worksheets Language: English Subject: English as a Second Language (ESL) Present simple tense PDF exercises rules Present simple vs continuous PDF exercises rules For beginners and elementary students of English as a second language. English verb exercises: present progressive exercises. Elementary and intermediate level. esl English Exercises verb tenses exercises Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple, Present Continuous English Exercises presents our new interactive selfcorrecting worksheets and workbooks. You'll love them, and so will your students. This 2 page worksheet includes a number of Present Simple vs Present Continuous exercises for the ESL classroom. It is best suited for upper elementary to advanced students. It can be handed out as a small in class testassessment or assigned for homework. Verb Tense Exercise 1 Simple Present and Present Continuous f t g p Using the words in parentheses, complete the text below with the appropriate tenses, then. In this present simple activity, students find out about their classmates' habits and lifestyles by playing a guessing game using present simple affirmative and negative statements. Each student is given a folded copy of the worksheet with only a 'Name' column showing. English Verb Tenses Practice Simple present vs present progressive (present continuous) tense worksheet with vocabulary at GrammarBank Present continuous exercises. Simple present and present progressive exercises affirmative, negative, interrogative. Elementary level esl, esol, ielts These teach the past, present, and future verb tenses as well as the simple, perfect, and continuous or progressive in all three of past, present, and future. Each sentence contains one mistake in either the present simple or present continuous. Find the mistake and check your answers. Try These Present Simple Worksheets for ESL Students. Present Simple Reading Comprehension. These present continuous worksheets begin with a quick review of the present continuous and includes three worksheets for English learners. 'Present Simple' o 'Present Continuous' Learn How to Use the Flexible Verb Have. Review All Tenses in English With This Sentence Structure Explanation. Students learn the simple present and present progressive verb tenses early on in their English language studies. The problem is that most textbooks dont present these tenses together! Its easy enough to remember the conjugation of one tense and practice it over and over. (present continuous progressive) I am playing tennis. (present simple) I play tennis tells us that playing tennis is something the speaker always does. It is part of a routine or habit. FREE Present Continuous Worksheets. It uses the song Creep by the British band Radiohead to work on present simple, present progressive and past simple tenses. This is the uncut version so if your students are sensitive to bad lan 3 15, 026 Elem PreInt. Simple present worksheet exercises free and with help function, teaching materials and grammar rules. Present continuous and present simple. Present continuous and present simple Exercises I promise to use it only to send you Language Worksheets. Come to my online tutoring website! Earn an income working from home. Differences and similarities in Simple Present and Present Progressive A collection of ESL, EFL downloadable, printable worksheets, practice exercises and activities to teach about present simple vs present continuous Present Progressive Exercises. Jump to Present Progressive Explanation. Practice with these Present Progressive exercises: Present Progressive Exercise 01. Present Progressive Exercise 02. Present Progressive Exercise 03. Present Progressive Exercise 04. The present continuous of any verb is composed of two parts the present tense of the verb to be the present participle of the main verb. (The form of the present participle is. Present simple continuous PDF exercise 2 Answer key 2 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Present simple continuous PDF exercise 3 Answer key 3 Put words in the correct order and use correct forms..