He apprised that review of the work progress of KVKs of Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand during the last year ( ) and finalization of action plan for the next year will be discussed in this workshop. Uttarakhand was formed on 9th November 2000 as the 27th State of India, when it was carved out of northern Uttar Pradesh. Located at the foothills of the Himalayan mountain ranges, it is largely a hilly State, having international boundaries with China (Tibet) in the north and Nepal in the east. Uttarakhand Police Recruitment 2015: Uttarakhand Police department is going to announce the Uttarakhand Police Result 2015 for SI Ranker exam conducted on 1st March, 2015. Those candidates who wants to check their Uttarakhand police department Result 2015 online can check now from 23rd of September 2015. Dehradun (Hindi: , Dehradoon) is the capital city of the state of Uttarakhand in the northern part of India. Located in the Garhwal region, it is 236 km north of India's capital New Delhi and is one of the Counter Magnets of the National Capital Region (NCR) being developed as an alternative centre of growth to help ease the migration and. ) Actuals up to May, 2015 Actuals to Budget SdGovernment of UTTARAKHAND Accounts at a Glance (at the end of May, 2015) (UNAUDITED PROVISIONAL FIGURES) Monthly Key Indicators for the month of May, 2015 ( in crore) Source Current month May 2015 Previous. Forests Protected Areas List of Tables 10. 1: Recorded Forest Area in Uttarakhand State at a Glance: Uttarakhand, Vol. 1(5), 2015 ENVIS Centre on Himalayan Ecology. 1: (accessed on ) ate at a Glance: Uttarakhand, Vol. 1(5), 2015 ENVIS Centre on Himalayan Ecology. Name of the State 1 All India 2 Goa 3 Sikkim 4 Uttarakhand Uttarakhand share in all India Forest area: 4. 77 Payment for Eco System Services. Migration from Hill Districts Agricultural Statistics at a Glance 2015 Government of India Ministry of Agriculture Farmers Welfare Department of Agriculture, Cooperation Farmers Welfare Uttarkashi: District At a Glance Uttarkashi: District At a Glance Uttarkashi: District At a Glance Uttarkashi: District At a Glance Samajarthik samiksha 2011 Samajarthik Samiksha. Uttarakhand at a Glance Uttarakhand at a Glance. Information about the organization structure, faculty, incentives and schemes is given. Details of industrial training programmes are also available. Website of Uttarkashi district of Uttarakhand. Uttarakhand state is blessed with major water resources including large reverine system with its tributaries. In spite of the plethora of water resources, the people of the state are facing the problem of safe fresh water due to slope factor, management issues, urban conglomeration, deforestation and other environmental factors as discussed in the article. Corrigendum Tender Form for Stationery Goods List Tender Notice for Printing of Destination Tourist Brochures, Uttarakhand Tourist Map Uttarakhand at a glance Book. The Uttarakhand Legislative Assembly, also known as the Uttarakhand Vidhan Sabha, is a unicameral governing and law making body of Uttarakhand, one of the 29 States in India, and is situated at Dehradun, the interim state capital of Uttarakhand, with 71 Members of the Legislative Assembly (MLA). AUGUST 2015 JANUARY 2015 For updated information, please visit 33 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Source: Uttarakhand at a glance, , TechSci Research Estimates, Central. Uttarakhand at a Glance ( ) EXCISE 16 21. SAINIK KALYAN AND PUNARWAS 16 23. INTEGRATED CHILD DEVELOPMENT SCHEME 17 24. 4 Uttarakhand at a Glance 01 1 GENERAL INFORMATION S. Items Year Period Unit Statistics Uttarakhand state is blessed with major water resources including large reverine system with its tributaries. In spite of the plethora of water resources, the people of the state are facing the problem of safe fresh water due to slope factor, management issues, urban conglomeration, deforestation and other environmental factors as discussed in the article. Applications are invited for the following posts for Principal Government Institute of Hotel Management Catering Technology and Applied Nutrition (GIHM), Almora for academic session Applications are invited for the following posts for an upcoming State Institute of Hotel Management Catering Technology and Applied Nutrition (SIHM. Objective Uttarakhand At A Glance. How many universities are there in Uttarakhand? Uttarakhand budget at glance by samveg ias dear candidate This document consist of budget at glance showing receipt and expenditure on revenue and capital account along with deficits source of income item of expenditure allocation of fund to different ministries highest expenditure in social sector MAJOR schemes announced in budget [ ANNUAL REPORT DEPARTmENTOf AgRicULTURE, cOOPERATiON fARmERs WELfARE ministry of Agriculture farmers Welfare government of india (current price, series). Given the importance of agriculture sector, Government of India took several steps for its sustainable development. Steps have Uttarakhand Government Portal, India JavaScript must be enabled in order for you to use the Site in standard view. However, it seems JavaScript is either disabled or not supported by your browser. GOVERNMENT OF UTTARAKHAND ACCOUNTS AT A GLANCE i. iii Preface The Annual Accounts of the State Government are prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Comptroller Auditor Generals (Duties, Powers and ACCOUNTS AT A GLANCE. 1 Oct 2015 in Category(ies): Author rail Posted on Categories Indian Railways The Ministry of Railways has released its new All India Railway Time Table known as TRAINS AT A GLANCE (TAG) which will come into effect from tomorrow i. Chief Development Office, Government Of Uttarakhand, India. Screen Reader Access; Skip to main content; Skip to navigation; NRLM APPOINTMENTS; Indira Amma Bhojan Yojna; IAY NEW SANCTIONED LIST; IAY NEW SANCTIONED LIST 2013. 1 Tourism plays an important role in employment generation and economic growth of the country. It is accepted as the potent engine. State Download; Bihar (94KB) Chhattisgarh (94KB) Gujarat (94KB) Haryana (94KB) Karnataka Bihar KMS (94KB) Karnataka KMS (94KB) Andhra Pradesh KMS (94KB) Orissa KMS Uttarakhand (95KB) Fixation of the Provisional rates of Custom Milled Rice. Title Acknowledgement Uttarakhand at a Glance ( ) is our twelfth publication in this series. It provides socioeconomic statistics, and portrays the economic potential, socio fabric and natural and human resource available in the State. Developed and hosted by National Informatics Centre, Ministry of Electronics Information Technology, Government of India. Last Updated: Sep 28, 2018Sep 28, 2018 STATE PROFILE OF UTTAR PRADESH 2015 16 MSME DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE 107, Industrial Estate, Kalpi Road, UTTAR PRADESH AT A GLANCE Sl. Commissionary: It is surrounded by Nepal and Uttarakhand in the North, Madhya Pradesh in the South, Bihar in the East and Haryana, Rajasthan. Government of Uttarakhand; SKIP TO MAIN CONTENT; Search Search. SocioEconomic Review: : Download(1 MB) SocioEconomic Review: : : Download(1 MB) District at a Glance: : Download(685 KB) District at a Glance: : Download(705 KB) District at a Glance. Department of Budget, Government Of Uttarakhand, India. Site designed, developed and hosted by. Contents of this website is published and managed by Department of Budget, Government Of Uttarakhand, India. 2 TV18 Broadcast Limited Annual Report 3 TV18 at a Glance On the entertainment side, TV18 operates a joint venture with Viacom ETV UP Uttarakhand, ETV Haryana Himachal Pradesh, ETV News Bangla, ETV News Kannada, ETV FY was a milestone year for CNNIBN as the School Education in India: is based on data collected during UDISE with 30th September, 2015 as date of reference. The document is based on the data received from as many as 1. 52 million schools spread over 680 districts across 36 States UTs. Uttarakhand sijaitsee Himalajan etelrinteell, ja lmptilaolot riippuvat korkeudesta. Kest ovat yleens miellyttvi, paikoin kuumia. Lmptila voi nousta 40 asteeseen. Talvella lmptila on alle 15 astetta, paikoin jopa pakkasen puolella. Monsuunisateet ajoittuvat heinkuusta syyskuuhun. The Uttaranchal University offers a unique life, you will have access to comprehensive facilities, cultural activities wide range of academic courses and industry interface. Accounts at a glance JavaScript must be enabled in order for you to use the Site in standard view. However, it seems JavaScript is either disabled or not supported by your browser. Volume 1(5), 2015 State at a Glance: Uttarakhand Disclaimer: The information furnished in this volume is made available with the sole purpose of providing and wider dissemination of scientific information from secondary sources and is not meant for commercial use and uttarakhand Budget AT A GLANCE 1 Receipts Total revenue receipts of is estimated to be Rs. Total receipts in financial year estimated to be Rs. 2 Expenditure Total expenditure in financial year estimated to be Rs. Uttarakhand (English: t r k n d ), officially the State of Uttarakhand (Uttarkha Rjya), formerly known as Uttaranchal, is a state in the northern part of India. Economy of Uttarakhand at a Glance. figures in crores of Indian rupees. 15 16 15 Share of Top 10 Countries of the World and India in International Tourist Arrivals, 2015. 16 India Tourism Statistics at a Glance, 2015 1 Important Facts About Tourism, 2015 (I) India No. of Foreign Tourist Arrivals in India 8. 03 Million Directorate Of Economics Statistics, Planning Department, Government Of Uttarakhand JavaScript must be enabled in order for you to use the Site in standard view. However, it seems JavaScript is either disabled or not supported by your browser. The central government hasnt paid dues pending before which is a burden on the state exchequer, Bhupinder Kaur Aulakh, secretary, school education, said. Welcome to Disaster Mitigation and Management Centre (DMMC) At present Disaster Mitigation Management Centre is working as autonomous institute under aegis of Department of Disaster Management Government of Uttarakhand and Disaster Mitigation and Management Centre(DMMC)is the apex center in the field of Disaster Mitigation Management in Uttarakhand, to protection of the. Government of Uttarakhand Dehradun, Capital of Uttarakhand. District at a Glance; District at a Glance; Socioeconomic Report; SocioEconomic Report; Statistical Magazine 2016; Tender. Area: 3088 sq km Population: Tehsils: 7 Block: 6. Site designed, developed and hosted by. Contents of this website is published and managed by Department of Budget, Government Of Uttarakhand, India. State of Indian Agriculture Government of India Ministry of Agriculture Farmers Welfare Department of Agriculture, Cooperation Farmers Welfare Directorate of Economics Statistics New Delhi. State of Indian Agriculture Government of India Source: Uttarakhand at a glance, , TechSci Research Estimates, Central Electricity Authority, Forest Department, Uttarakhand, Ministry of Tourism UTTARAKHAND THE SPIRITUAL SOVEREIGN OF INDIA Evolving; majorly driven by the growth in the manufacturing sector..