Pension Website Must for Pensioners. Click me REGISTERED MOST IMPORTANT CIRCULAR OFFICE OF THE PCDA (PENSIONS), DRAUPADI GHAT ALLAHABAD The Chief Accountant, RBI, Deptt. Bank Account Central Minimum Guaranteed Pension for Disability War Injury Element as per CSC2012 recommendation Oo THE PR. CONTROLLER OF DEFENCE ACCOUNTS (PENSIONS) DRAUPADI GHAT, ALLAHABAD IMPORTANT CIRCULAR REGISTERED Circular No. 542 Dated: Subject: Minimum Guaranteed Pension for Disability War Injury Element as per CSC2012 recommendations. A OTE UR6ENT IMPORTANTCIRCULAR Office of the Principal Controller of Defence Accounts (CC) Lucknow Cantt No. ANIII337Gen Corr Date: All sections of Main Office (This circular is available on the website of this office The Govt. of India, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances Pensions, Deptt. The amount of additional pension shall be shown distinctly in the pension payment order. For example, in case, where a pensioner is more than 80 years of age and his her revised pension is Rs10, 000 pm, the pension shall be shown as (i) Basic pension Rs. 10, 000 and (ii) Additional pension Rs 2, 000 pm. this circular to all concerned under their new data shhet for pensions link with aadhar card pcda allahabad, 11 by PCDA (Pension) OROP Clarification For Pre2006 Commissioned Office. Implementation of Governments decision on the recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission Consolidation of Pension of Pre 2006 Armed Forces Pensioners Family Pensioners REGISTERED OFFICE OF THE PCDA (PENSIONS), DRAUPADI GHAT ALLAHABAD MOST IMPORTANT CIRCULAR Circular No. 397 Dated: Subject: Implementation of. registered office of the pcda (pensions), draupadi ghat allahabad most important circular circular no. Reference: This office Circular No. A copy of Government of India, Ministry of Defence letter No. 1(17)2012D (PenPolicy) dated on the above subject is forwarded herewith for information and necessary action which is self explanatory. most important circular on one rank one pension. controller of defence accounts (pensions) draupadi ghat, allahabad. most important circular This rate of family pension is payable w. f to and thereafter according to this office circular no 503 dated 17 Jan 2013. The enhanced rate of OFP rate for the rank of Hony rank such as Hony Naik, TS Naik, Hony Havidar and Hony Nb sub is not. MOST IMPORTANT CIRCULAR OFFICE OF THE PCDA (PENSIONS), DRAUPADI GHAT ALLAHABAD Circular No. The Chief Accountant, RBI, Deptt. 350 dated which has been paid by the PDAs are also shown separately. Revision of Pension in Respect of personnel Below Officer Rank (PBOR) Discharged prior to: PCDA Circular No. Office of the Principal CDA (Pensions) Draupadi Ghat, Allahabad. One Rank One Pension Circular501 Download as PDF File (. Most important Para of RBI latest circular Recovery of excesswrong payment made to a pensioner Because of this never have excess money in ur pension account 11. Attention of all pension disbursing authorities is invited to above cited circular wherein instructions had been issued for implementation of GOI, Ministry of P, PG and pensions, Deptt of PPW OM No. PPW(A, ) dated 28 January, 2013 and this order was applicable w. Explore; Log in; Create new account; Upload. REGISTERED MOST IMPORTANT CIRCULAR OFFICE OF THE PCDA (PENSIONS), DRAUPADI GHAT ALLAHABAD Circular No. Government letter dated and this office Circular No. 500 dated of this office may be referred to the office of the PCDA(P ), Draupadi Ghat, Allahabad. was born on April 17, 1950 in Villupuram Town of Tamil Nadu. He did his MBBS in Thanjavur Medical College. The most important demand is that of the CG employees is the minimum wage and fitment formula. The Staff side had demand of minimum wage of Rs fitment formula of 3. Against this the 7th CPC had recommended minimum wage of Rs fitment formula of 2. well as in the office records of Records Offices Service Hqrs was forwarded for necessary action at your end vide this Office Circular No. PCDA clarification on revising Family Pension in respect of PBORs. CONTROLLER OF DEFENCE ACCOUNTS (PENSIONS) DRAUPADI GHAT, ALLAHABAD. Dated: This office circular No. 494 dated 19th March 2013 and Circular No. registered office of the pcda (pensions), draupadi ghat allahabad most important circular circular no. OFFICE OF THE PCDA (PENSIONS), DRAUPADI GHAT ALLAHABAD MOST IMPORTANT CIRCULAR Circular No. The Chief Accountant, RBI, Deptt. Bank Account Central Office, C7 PCDA Pension Circular C155 Special benefits in cases of death disability in service Revision of Disability Pension Family Pension of Pre2006 disability Pensioners Family Pensioners regarding. Revision of Pension in Respect of personnel Below Officer Rank (PBOR) Discharged prior to: PCDA Circular No. Office of the Principal CDA (Pensions) PCDA Circular 602 Restoration of pension in respect of Defence Service Personnel OFFICE OF THE PR. CONTROLLER OF DEFENCE ACCOUNTS (PENSIONS) DRAUPADI GHAT, ALLAHABAD Circular No. The Chief Accountant, RBI, Deptt. 397 pcda (pension registered office of the pcda (pensions), draupadi ghat allahabad most important circular circular no. 397 dated: Top Searches However, any clarification regarding the rule position in the Government letter dated and this office Circular No. 500 dated of this office may be referred to the office of the PCDA(P), Draupadi Ghat, Allahabad. 471(Post 2006 retires) for PENSION OF EXSERVICEMEN FULL DETAILS CIRCULAR 501. Revision of pension of Pre2006 pensioners PCDA Circular on. CONTROLLER OF DEFENCE ACCOUNTS (PENSIONS) DRAUPADI GHAT, ALLAHABAD. 577: Implementation of Government decision on the recommendations of the Cabinet Secretarys Committee Revision of pension in respect of Personnel below Officer Rank (PBOR) discharge prior to. all veteran brothers may kindly note that thee most important circular no. 430 dated issued by the pcda (pensions), allahabad is posted below ffor the information and guidance. OROP Clarification For Pre2006 Commissioned Officers PCDA Circular. March 14, 2014 Leave a Comment. OROP Clarification For Pre2006 Commissioned Officers PCDA Circular. CONTROLLER OF DEFENCE ACCOUNTS (PENSIONS) DRAUPADI GHAT, ALLAHABAD MOST IMPORTANT CIRCULAR. OROP Clarification For Pre2006 Commissioned Officers PCDA Circular No. OROP Clarification For Pre2006 Commissioned Officers PCDA Circular No. CONTROLLER OF DEFENCE ACCOUNTS (PENSIONS) DRAUPADI GHAT, ALLAHABAD MOST IMPORTANT CIRCULAR Circular No. A circular was found in one of the office notice boards Dear Staff, Please be advised that these are NEW rules and regulations implemented to raise the efficiency of our speed post most important circular op immediate office of the pcda (pensions), draupadi ghat allahabad circular no. Most important circular office of the pcda (pensions), draupadi ghat allahabad circular no. Revised letter on casualty disability warinjury pensionary awards for pre2006 retirees based on 6th CPC scales issued. MOST IMPORTANT CIRCULAR OFFICE OF THE PCDA (PENSIONS), DRAUPADI GHAT ALLAHABAD Circular No. MOST IMPORTANT CIRCULAR OFFICE OF THE PCDA (PENSIONS), DRAUPADI GHAT ALLAHABAD Pension Website Must for Pensioners. Click me REGISTERED MOST IMPORTANT CIRCULAR OFFICE OF THE PCDA (PENSIONS), DRAUPADI GHAT ALLAHABAD The Chief Accountant, RBI, Deptt. Bank Account Central REGISTERED MOST IMPORTANT CIRCULAR OFFICE OF THE PCDA (PENSIONS), DRAUPADI GHAT ALLAHABAD Circular No. The Chief Accountant, RBI, Deptt. Bank Account Central Office, C7 IInd Floor Bandre Kurla Complex, P. registered most important circular office of the pcda (pensions), draupadi ghat allahabad circular no. PCDA Circular 566 Revision of pension under One Rank One Pension OFFICE OF THE PR. CONTROLLER OF DEFENCE ACCOUNTS (PENSIONS) DRAUPADI CHAT, ALLAHABAD REGISTERED Circular No. CONTROLLER OF DEFENCE ACCOUNTS (PENSIONS) DRAUPADI GHAT, ALLAHABAD Circular No. 117 Dated: 16 Subject: Grant of fixed medical allowance to Defence civilians who are residing in area not covered under.